Friday, February 5, 2010

Do real men get manicures and pedicures?

Some do. It's not like they're getting false nails put on! They just want to keep themselves nice and care about what they look like. There's nothing feminine about caring what you look like and wanting to have something nice done for yourself.

What constitutes a ';real man'; anyways? I would say it's someone who's responsible, goal oriented and not intimidated by his sexuality to the point that he wouldn't get a manicure if he wanted one. Others may disagree and say that a real man is someone who doesn't do anything but watch football, drink beer and be a jackass all day but honestly they're loosers.Do real men get manicures and pedicures?
ABSOLUTELY!!! Just because your a man does not mean that you can't get mani/pedi's. Any man who cares about his hygiene would definitely benefit from this! Some male clients just like the fact that there nails are clean and free of hangnails. Men should take care of their feet. There are many salons that cater to men only thus taking out the fear of being ';stereotyped';. Men....Women love a man who takes care of himself!! Do real men get manicures and pedicures?
no....REAL men have jobs where we use our hands and we actually WORK for a living and don't have time for all that girlie bullsh*it.....even those of us who are senior managers and can afford it wouldn't be caught dead in a salon getting our nails and feet done.....
Sure...why not look your best and take care of yourself? I had them done before but I can also do it myself. Women do the same things we do when we look at them.. they check us out, they don't want to see dirt under fingernails or unpolished shoes or even when you go to the beach, just make sure your feet look well taken care of! It's not that difficult to do!
Real Men, work outside, and don't care about what they look like, and enjoy getting sweaty.

Men, that get manicures and pedicures are called metrosexuals.

And AREN'T real men..

yeah, they actually do,but not colored polish. They just clean up their nails and file them and clip them so they are nice and groomed, then i think they put a clear polish on them, but im not sure about that. FYI im not a guy.
some do, but they don't put like polish on, they just get pampered
metrosexuals do and they're sexy as hell!!
Nope. Just fake men.
Just Clay Aiken.
Not in this neck of the woods

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